A celebration of success!

Today riders and supporters of the annual Merchants Bank Christian Elder Memorial (CEM) 900 charity bike ride, of which Elder-Jones is an associate sponsor and in which many of our employees participate, gathered for a welcome home reception hosted by CEM 900’s title sponsor, Merchants Bank of Apple Valley. The success of this year’s ride was celebrated and everyone enjoyed lunch and refreshments provided by Merchants Bank.
John Elder, CEM 900 founder and Elder-Jones Chairman, and Justin Elder, Elder-Jones President, presented Kids ‘n Kinship’s Executive Director Alicia D. Crudup with a check for funds raised by this year’s year’s ride, in the amount of $37,000! The CEM 900 ride has now raised more than $600,000 for Kid ‘n Kinship in its 19 years.
To learn more about the wonderful work Kids ‘n Kinship does in our community visit their website at kidsnkinship.org. To donate to the CEM 900 or learn more about the annual charity ride, please visit their website at cem900.com.